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Fernanda Mirancos

Product Coordinator

Fernanda was born in São Paulo, Brazil, and have been working in the Tourism Market for almost 3 years. 

She was a Travel Designer in the past and became specialized in Ski Trips around the world. 

Now Fernanda is supporting the Product team on Discover Holidays, sharing all her knowledge on products around the world and her passion to create tailor made trips. 

What is your favorite place in Canada?

Vancouver is certainly my favorite place in Canada. I love all the food and entertainment options that we can find when we see it as a big city and all the peace and nature we can find when we see it as a small city. Vancouver is a mix of both, and this makes it a perfect place to visit or live in.

What one thing in Canada should you experience at least once in your life?

Being able to attend Vancouver’s Christmas Market was a magical experience. All the food, entertainment, and local products that I saw there made me be sure that I will never forget that moment.

What is your best travel memory in Canada?

Visiting Vancouver is certainly one of the “must” experiences people have to have when coming to Canada. Going to Stanley Park and to Granville Island are experiences that one should have at least once in a lifetime.

Fernanda Mirancos

My favorite places

My top picks

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